News - June

3 in LwG International group

I love the way the virus has brought such creative togetherness!
Canto Vocal Programs improvising using Zoom to bring
38 singers from 13 countries together!
Canto Vocal Programs is with Sharon Mohar and 21 others.

38 singers from 13 countries were brought together by Canto to give you their own personal version of Rossini's act 1 finale of L'Italiana in Algeri!

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2 in LwG Austria group


Wir sind Teil der Digital Austria Kampagne von Bundesministerin Margarete Schramböck! "Nur 25% der österreichischen Unternehmen verkaufen ihre Produkte und Dienstleistungen auch online." Mit wollen wir das ändern und packen's gemeinsam an! 

1 New Learn with Grandma group in Sweden forming under leadership of Maria Veneke Ylikomi. I shall mention it to Göran.


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